I guess life is much more complex, ambiguous and full of contradictions. Is this your view of life? Or is this simply a study on mortality? Using this kind of title, or avoiding to give a logical and definitive explanation at the end, might be a way to propose a lasting experience. I need to make books I would be interested to read myself, or at least I try to make books that leave a space for people's imagination and intelligence. This is called "marketing." It's good to sell soap or sodas, not works of art. My job is not to imagine what the reader wants, or what the reader will be receptive to. I hope so! They were indeed, in afew countries. Do you think readers will be receptive to this type of existential view? Like sandcastles, our lives are dust, to be molded and made beautiful, only to be inevitably stripped away by the weather or by the sea. It's ultimately left a mystery for the reader to decide what the exact cause is for the sudden aging.The title is extremely clever and fitting. The Un-Reveal: The comic never explains why everyone is rapidly aging at the beach.The moral of the story is that death is inevitable and we should cherish every single moment without fear and regret. As he died, he came to regret spending his last days living alone and not being able to fulfill his dream of climbing a mountain to see real snow. The king told him he built no tomb, only to realize the castle itself was his tomb. Seven years and a day later, the half man returned and congratulated him on building his tomb.

Terrified, the king built a castle designed to keep the half man out, but in the process, he also isolated himself from his friends, family and wife out of paranoia. The half man told the king that he will die in seven years and a day. Separate Scene Storytelling: To calm the kids about what comes after death, Amesan tells them a story of a king who was met with a messenger of Death: a half man.Sanity Slippage: As time passes on the beach, Charles begins to develop Alzheimer's, which makes him a danger to himself and others, especially Amesan.Rapid Aging: Everyone on the beach ages a few years every half hour, condensing an entire lifetime into just 24 hours.Playing Doctor: After aging into teenagers, Zoe (who is mentally five) inspects Louis's "nice new hair"… and winds up giving him an erection, which she finds cool.No Name Given: We never learn the name of Charles's Mother-in-Law before her death.Modesty Towel: The children use towels to cover themselves after they outgrow their bathing suits, but they discard them for the rest of the story not long afterwards.